Thinking Ahead...

about global issues & trends as we Invest for generations

Target Investments in Social Infrastructure

$ 800

Target Investments in
Alternative Energy

$ 450

Target Investments in

$ 300

Social Infrastructure

$8 trillion needed only through 2021

Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure

Why Social Infrastructure?

Public entities around the world need more than $8 trillion to fund essintial social infrastructure projects only through 2021. This figure exceeds the capital requirements of the oil and gas and mining industries combined...

Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure

Urban Communities

Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure

Public Services

Travel & Leisure

Alternative Energy

$11 trillion needed to cover only the developed countries

Aphrodite Capital clean energy investments

Renewable energy is good money, not just good for the earth

The global economy spent a staggering $1.5 trillion to add 1 million megawatts (MW) of new renewable power capacity, this is just the tip of the proverbial renewable energy iceberg. Developed countries will need to spend $11 trillion in the coming decades to become 100% powered by renewables. That's a massive market opportunity for companies operating in the renewable power sector...

Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure


Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure




$50 trillion needed until 2030

Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure

Will transport infrastructure continue to be a driver of economic growth?

Transportation needs are growing strongly around the world.
Continuing globalisation, coupled with high growth rates of
population density and GDP in some regions, means that the
flow of goods and people will continue to increase over time.
Massive investments are being made or planned, posing
huge challenges for all parties involved. 

Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure

EVs Infrastructure

Aphrodite Capital Social Infrastructure

Smart Airports

Smart Maritime

Smart Highways

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